Jason Katz Jason Katz

Spotlighting VP of Strategic Planning Jason Katz

How does Jason make you better at your job?
Jason empowers those around him, creating a welcoming environment that empowers everyone to pitch in ideas. He cares about personal development and encourages team members to treat every opportunity as a chance to learn more.
— Melany Perez, Strategic Planner

What’s your favorite work story about Jason?
Jason may not know this, but when he came onboard, one of our teammates totally fanboyed over Jason's arrival. It was quite sweet and a true indicator of the joy Jason brings to everyone. 
— Jordan Maus, Director Digital Strategy

How does Jason make you better at your job?
Katz doesn't only bring the strategy and creative, he brings the WHY... and without it, we're just creating to create. The WHY makes it all click for shoppers and our clients. 
— Jason Donnelly, Associate Creative Director

How does Jason make AUC better? 
Jason is the player you want on your team. He's selfless in his contributions, even though they're invaluable. His availability is endless, as he always makes time to help despite being in constant demand. He has limitless energy, experience and enthusiasm, which elevates everyone around him and everything we do.  
— Josh Lebowitz, Group Creative Director 

What’s something this employee does better than anyone else? 
Dad jokes! 
— Everyone

From Jason

What professional lesson or advice do you return to time and again?
Always start with the real problem to solve. 

What do you take the most pride in about your work?
Making a meaningful difference for clients’ business, our culture, and people.  

What do you love most about working in commerce?
Blurring the lines between living and buying, and between on and off-line.  

What about your life today would make your younger self proud?
That I strive to make a difference for others every day.  

Any hidden talents?
Photography and (not so hidden) dad jokes.